Robust Pareto-Optimal Radar Receive Filter Design for Noise and Sidelobe Suppression
Integrated sidelobe level is a useful measure to quantify robustness of a waveform-filter pair to unknown range clutter and multiple closely located targets. Sidelobe suppression on receive will incur a loss in the signal to noise ratio after pulse compression. We derive a pulse compression filter that has the greatest integrated sidelobe suppression possible for a given acceptable signal to noise ratio loss. The solution is given in a closed form, which can be adjusted using a single parameter to chose between greater sidelobe or interference and noise suppression. We verify the derived filter using simulations, comparing it to other proposed mismatched filter designs. To expand the robustness of the filter, we additionally investigate noise uncertainty robustness. We derive two robustness measures for noise uncertainty and analyze the performance through simulation.
robust pulse compression, radar signal processing, filter optimization, integrated sidelobe ratio
2023 31st European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)